Ru Az

Turn on your Tan

Let's admit a truth: stylish charm outweighs heavy masterpieces when summer arrives with its own set of rules. You need something that complements both swimsuits and any outfit for hot weather, embracing the hottest vibes of the most sought-after season, which whispers that all you need is a fresh boost of vitamin D. We present trendy jewellery essentials that will enhance your tan and mood spectacularly. The collection of masterpieces we're about to unveil could well make your dreams a reality, transforming your energy with the positivity and happiness they exude.

  1. Letter necklaces by Lauren Rubinski and other random brands: Speak and do it loud!
  2. Many Many chains ago… it’s never too much (The Sage Vintage necklaces or the mix of no name masterpieces)
  3. Sassy&Childish: let’s play and win with style.
  4. Pah pah, not to jinx! Don’t you forget about magic and protection from evil eye or simply safe your luck. (Marie Lichtenberg lockets and other jewellery founds together in mix)
  5. Bag charms that will give you more charm. Add more toys and fine jewellery.
  6. Queen style: endless number of rings
  7. Hearts, Toys, Eyes, Pearls, Cosmic Stones, Angels and Crystals, did we forget anything?


Just to let you know: there’re no rules here, just mix, feel and be sure it’s wonderful!