Just some of my thoughts on life... I try to remember this every day and pass it on to my kids.
- Life can change in a second, so don’t take yourself, anyone, or anything for granted.
- Love yourself the most, and then everyone who is good to you.
- You are very defined by what comes out of your mouth, so learn when to keep it shut.
- Never stop learning – educate yourself even at 90.
- You will always get more by giving.
- Rule your thoughts or they will rule you.
- Strong people are always humble, don’t be shy of it.
- Your life begins with your morning thoughts.
- Constantly shape your reality and yourself.
- You can’t please everyone – prioritise pleasing yourself first.
- There are a lot of things that we don’t know.
- Think before you act, but act without hesitation.
- Take care of your health, your food, water, and sleep.
- You are never alone.
- Find friends who make you laugh.
- No one owes you anything.
- You don’t owe anything to anyone except your parents in my world.
- The people you love will sometimes hurt you the most.
- Marriage is more than a feeling – find a partner you would go to war with.
- Staying in your comfort zone for too long will destroy you. Life is not always fair, keep faith.
- Forgiveness will set you free
- It’s easy to forgive – yet, it’s hard to forget.
- Your child will follow your example, not your words.
- You will only take memories with you.
- Travel.
- Leave a good memory and change lives for the better if you can, even with something small... Do one good thing a day.