Vest and trousers – UVENTA
make up – Фазиля Раджабова, salon Beyond The Limits
A Mother's arms are more comforting than anyone else's.
Princess Diana
We all want to be the best parents we can be for our children! But how do you raise and bring up a child? There is a lot of smart advices about it, but often they lead not to the results we wish for. Throughout the whole process of children's education it is important to focus on prioritization and to be able to switch quickly between needs of your children and other family members, including you.
Modern parents have all the Internet at their disposal, but do not follow any authority. After all, it is hard to understand who to trust! And the right answers come most often instinctively. But to begin with, you have to understand who you are and what do you want to see yourself, what you should work on; then you will realize how to begin to work on yourself ̆, and through yourself – on your child, but without losing yourself at the same time. In order to bring up an independent and confident child, the parent has to be authoritative, but not authoritarian. You want your child to listen and respect you, trust you, but not fear you – that's the number one rule in education.
As your child develops, problems will change and so will your thinking, but your approach to the child must be consistent, firm and, most importantly, loving. Allow your child to learn from his own experience: by making efforts, he learns to cope with difficulties, which strengthens his self-confidence. Never compare your child to anybody, even with his brothers and sisters or your friend's kid, – only with himself: "Sweetie, you've been so good yesterday and ate two meatballs, can you do that today too?". Also decide what your child is capable of doing by himself: for example, whether your child just learns to fall asleep at night, or this is the kid able pick up his toys, or your child is more mature, able to resolve the conflicts in family? The child must be able to solve every problem at its level by himself, but at the same time know that he should know that he has parents' support - he must know it in his soul, at the instinctive level, then it will be easier for both him and you to cope with your duties.
Remember: there is no single right way to raise a child. Trust your maternal instinct, enjoy the company of the little person in your lives, this wonderful time will fly like an instant! Return to your childhood with your kid, and let the child bring up you!
P.S. We have long known that skin-to-skin contact is important for the development of the baby: it helps him and prepares for stressful situations in life. It helps to calm children when they are still very little: they cry less, and it helps them to be calmer and to sleep better. Some scientific research shows thanks to that development of child's brain goes easier, probably because he is calmer and gets a good sleep. Skin contact with the child helps mothers as well: it reduces the stress level and postnatal depressions, gives mother a chance to feel a condition of the child, helps to understand his signals. And children are most susceptible to mother in the first three months of their lives. They need maternal energy during this period very much, it is the foundation of all subsequent. They've already known their mother before, even before birth, so the relationship between mother and child begins with the first seconds of his life. It turns out that the mother who just gave birth has skin on her chest, where the child is held, one or two degrees warmer than the rest of the body, which creates a natural area of comfort for the newborn. If the child's temperature drops, the mother's temperature rises, and vice versa. This way an inexplicable, divine connection between mother and child from the first seconds manifests itself.
Ulviyya Mahmudova,