Month and a half ago in the heart of the capital took place the first spring fair of the Nargis fund, organized to celebrate everybody’s favorite Novruz holiday. “Torpaq əlimdə, bahar ürəyimdə” (Soil in my hand, spring in my heart) fair, the analogue of the winter’s fair – “Soyuq əllər, isti ürək” (Cold hands, warm heart) lasted from 16th March to 15th April 2019 on the Fountain square. Traditionally, with organizing of the fair the fund aimed to help children in need. As a result 200.043 manats were raised! Thanks to the collected sum six children suffering from a congenital hearing disorder – Kyubra Amiraslanova, Javid Damirli, Sunay Huseynli, Nihad Akhmedli, Beyrak Huseynzade and Ali Gasanli – underwent cochlear implant surgery.
Also within the fair Nargis fund together with heads of diplomatic missions held the special Novruz celebration for kids from orphanage number 12. On March 17th the Novruz table was set for kids at Ay qonşu restaurant. Spouses of ambassadors got prepared for this gathering in advance: each of them made national sweets and goodies for children with their own the hands. And finally ambassadors, spouses, children and the fund went to the fair Torpaq əlimdə, bahar ürəyimdə where they had a wonderful time together.
The Nargis fund thanks everyone who cares and also anonymous sponsors thanks to whom it was possible to perform surgeries!