Pop music king died nine years ago, nevertheless an interest to his personality hasn’t ceased hitherto. Thus, during summer the large scale exhibition “Michael Jackson: On the Wall”, dedicated to the musician’s contribution to modern art, launched and we wrote about this previously.
Earlier in this week, the official Jackson Fund presented new clip’s first showing to his song “Behind the Mask” on YouTube. More likely, the team wants expressing its original tribute to the artist, who could reach 60 this year.
“Behind the Mask” has a long and an amazing story.
In 1982 Michael Jackson dropped a Thriller, allocating to him pop-music king’s status and it became the bestselling album in history. However, the song wasn’t included into album, due to problems connected with author’s rights. The point is “Behind the Mask” is a cover of Japanese “Yellow Magic Orchestra”.
In a long while, after the musician’s death, in 2011 a director’s duo “Aggressive” launched its work on the clip and invited dancers and the musician’s fans throughout the world to shoot a video clip. Eventually, the video clip was just ready in August, 2018.