To be seduced is to occupy your thoughts with something pleasant, tempting, to be attracted... In my opinion, it is a beautiful state! It brings bright emotions, expectation of miracle and desire to get closer to your goal.
The uniqueness of this state also shows that at the same time our intuition turns on, and you subconsciously start making decisions: how to act in a given situation. For example, at 11 p.m. you are seduced with a piece of delicious cake. You perfectly realize that it's better to resist it, but... After all, there is an expression for a good reason: "If it is forbidden, but very desired, then it is possible"! In my opinion, if this piece of cake makes you happy – well, so be it, give in to temptation, trust the voice of your intuition – it knows the best what you really need at this point. One thing I know for sure: temptation should not be answered by hate. And it's especially ridiculous to be mad at yourself when you couldn't resist the temptation. Don't ever do that! The easiest way to defeat the temptation is amicably: to make friends with it, to give in to it and... Let it go to the four winds.
“If the serpent were forbidden, Adam would have eaten him!” (Mark Twain)
P.S. Any of our decisions makes moral sense. By saying that giving in to temptation is not bad, I mean one prerequisite: that by doing this you will not hurt or harm other people.
Ulviyya Mamhudova,